We offer various services related to integration of newcomers, asylum seekers and migrant women. We support (healthcare)professionals, civil servants, social and welfare organizations and research institutions. At the same time, we enable and empower immigrants on their path into integration in the Dutch society so they can function independently. Our approach is based on equality, cultural sensitivity and works in parallel with both migrants and professionals.

Training for refugees and migrants
We offer tailor-made trainings and educational sessions for refugees and migrants on various topics that are important for successful integration:
- Healthcare in the Netherlands
- Sexuality and maternity care
- The education system in the Netherlands
- Dealing with cultural differences
- Parenting between two cultures
- Psychological resilience, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)
- Managing finances / Financial independency
- Finding and maintaining a job
Services for professionals and volunteers
The theme of 'I-culture' and 'We-culture' is often explored in our workshops. We offer new insights and provide practical tools for intercultural communication and cultural sensitivity among professionals who work with and for migrants. Our services are customized for (healthcare) professionals, civil servants, enforcers, youth care, family judges, teachers, (language) volunteers and employers. They can contact us for:
- Interactive trainings
- Workshops
- Lectures
- Storytelling sessions
- Establishment of focus groups
- Establishment of key-figures pools
Consultancy & Advocacy
Migration-Inc. advises policymakers of various governmental agencies, NGOs and academia on designing inclusive policy. We do so in areas such as civic integration and participation, access to healthcare, access to education and labour market participation. We advocate for inclusive and equal rights of the newcomers and migrants. In our team we have intercultural experts with rich experience in advocacy & consultancy - from the mirant’s perspective.
Cultural mediators
We are happy to help your municipalities or social organization to become more diverse and gain new insights by deploying cultural mediators. Do you want to make your organization more accessible? Are you unable to reach out to those citizens for whom your service was intended to? We can help you to use the knowledge and skills of these convertible cultural mediators that can literally colour your organization. We define a cultural mediator as a link between their own community and the Dutch society. Based on their own cultural background, knowledge and experience, they can offer a perfect support on both sides. He/she has good communication skills, empathy and a sense of cultural sensitivity. A cultural mediator can offer beyond more than only translation. They can identify problems, provide information, raise awareness, mediate and give advice to both sides.
Cultural interpreters and translation services
We have a large network of authorized (cultural) interpreters. They can interpret for you over the phone or present during a conversation, so not only the verbal but also the non-verbal can be translated. We can engage them to translate texts, flyers or brochures. Most of the assignments we receive are in these languages:
- Eritrea - Tigrinya, Saho, Tigre, Bilen
- Ethiopië - Amhaars & Oromo
- Arabic - various dialects
Cultural mediation
We offer counseling programs for more complex problems. This can be about conflicts in the relational sphere, with the housing association, parenting issues, communication with the school or a dispute with neighbors. Cultural differences often play a significant role in these situations, making it more difficult to find a solution together. We have a network of cultural mediators available for counseling and interventions in crisis situations, parenting problems, conflict mediation and cultural differences. Within Migration-Inc. we aim to reduce misunderstandings and manage the situation for the better.