Migration Inc.


In the wake of a remarkable achievement, we are delighted to announce the launch of #P4Mi (Platform 4 Migration, Integration & Inclusion), a groundbreaking initiative born from the collaboration between Migration Inc. and RBD .
#P4Mi is dedicated to bridging gaps and turning challenges into opportunities for migrants, fostering cross-cultural intersections, and building a supportive community for meaningful economic participation.

Today, we proudly unveil our first project under #P4Mi, made possible by the incredible opportunity extended to us by Social Enterprise NL.

With this project we aim to connect talented #cultural mediators (#sleutelpersonen) with entrepreneurial opportunities and promoting #DEI&B skills in organizations working with migrants. This project is more than a venture; it’s a commitment to make a positive impact on the social inclusion of migrants and underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Thrilled to share that we are taking it a step further with an all-migrant team based in Ethiopia and the Netherlands! Join us as we share our life experiences, shade light on the important role that cultural mediators (sleutelpersonen) can play within the ecosystem of social entrepreneurship—especially women—and collectively change the game!


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