Migration Inc.


De jaarlijkse conferentie van het Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN) in Istanbul, Turkije

Gezinshereniging (FR) blijft een cruciaal migratiepad, vooral voor vluchtelingen, zoals erkend door de OESO en het internationaal recht. Dit recht op gezinsleven en eenheid stond centraal tijdens de jaarlijkse FRUN-conferentie 2024, gehouden van 8 tot 10 oktober in Istanbul, Turkije. Belangrijke stakeholders, waaronder overheden, NGO’s en vluchtelingenorganisaties (RLO’s), kwamen samen om uitdagingen, politieke veranderingen en …

De jaarlijkse conferentie van het Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN) in Istanbul, Turkije Lees meer »

A foundation of P4Mi (Platform 4 Migration, Integration & Inclusion)

In the wake of a remarkable achievement, we are delighted to announce the launch of #P4Mi (Platform 4 Migration, Integration & Inclusion), a groundbreaking initiative born from the collaboration between Migration Inc. and RBD . #P4Mi is dedicated to bridging gaps and turning challenges into opportunities for migrants, fostering cross-cultural intersections, and building a supportive community for meaningful economic participation. Today, …

A foundation of P4Mi (Platform 4 Migration, Integration & Inclusion) Lees meer »

Policy Roundtable: Fostering Inclusion of Newcomers

European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) is organizing a policy roundtable entitled “Fostering Inclusion of Newcomers: Access to Employment, Long-Term Residence and Participation in Decision-Making for Refugees and Migrants” as the final stage of the project “2incING – Thinking of the integration process as a two-way inclusion project” which aims to promote and support refugee …

Policy Roundtable: Fostering Inclusion of Newcomers Lees meer »

The 2nd Global Refugee Forum

✅ 4200 participants from 168 countries ✅ Over $2.2 billion were announced to improve the lives of refugees, IDP’s & host countries ✅ Over 1600 pledges were mobilized on refugee issues Yordi Lassooy-Tekle was one of the participants on behold of Migration-Inc., announcing our pledge to support and coordinate the Multistakeholder Pledge on Family Reunification …

The 2nd Global Refugee Forum Lees meer »

Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification

The Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification aims to mobilise actors towards the overarching goal of ensuring every refugee can exercise their right to family unity and attain family reunification. The objective is to support at least 1 million refugees reunite with their families by 2030. Family unity is a human right. When forced to …

Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification Lees meer »

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